1. Tank buster
  2. Poly + Exocleaver + LP stacks

    Tiles Diagonal to + are safe. Group 1 NW / Group 2 SE

  3. Patho / Limit cut
  4. Exchange of agonies (Single stack) + Ixou
  5. Tank buster
  6. Transmission + Ixou
  7. Poly + Dark Dome

    Locate the marker not in a corner-- the safe spot will be a middle square 2 tiles away.

  8. Exchange of agonies (Role stack) + Exocleaver
  9. Tank buster
  10. Poly + LP stacks

    2 of the markers are in the same quadrant. Safe spot 1 is the middle tile closest to them, and safe spot 2 is diagonal to 1.

  11. Dark ashes + Ixou
  12. Cachexia 1 (20/8/12/16)
  13. Tank buster
  14. Poly + Dark ashes + dark dome

    Checkerboard pattern.

  15. Exchange of agonies (Single stack) + Ixou
  16. Poly + Ixou

    Two patterns:

    Short tether: Safe spot is 2 tiles away from the tethered corner. Choose the approprate spot to dodge Ixou.

    Long tether: Safe spot is 1 tile away. Choose the approprate spot to dodge Ixou.

  17. Tank buster
  18. Cachexia 2 + Transmission + Poly

    Safe spot is in the corners of either an untethered middle +, or a tethered middle X. 4 safe spots

  19. Poly + Dark dome

    Look at the two diagonal tiles between corner + tiles, then eliminate one of them based on the 1 non-corner shape.

  20. Poly + Ixou

    Same as first-- easy.

  21. Tank buster